The Dental Hub

Oral Surgery Sunshine Coast North, QLD

Dr. Devie Falinda

Oral Surgeon

Dr. Falinda is a formally qualified oral surgeon trained at Edinburgh University. She is also a member of the prestigious Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh established in 1505 and holds Membership of Oral Surgery (MOS RCSEd) and Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons (MFDS RCSEd).
Devies’ passion for dentistry and oral surgery saw her admitted to the Univ. Edinburgh DClinDent program against stiff international competition Devie went on to gain a DClinDent with distinction.

After completing her degree Devie moved to London to work as a Senior House Officer at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trusts, one of London’s largest hospitals.
Devie worked there throughout the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when she was interviewed with three of her Indonesian colleagues by BBC about their experiences working at NHS during the pandemic.

Relocating with her husband to the Sunshine Coast in June 2021, as a “local” she now enjoys the beautiful beaches and fine weather, hiking, cooking, and spending time with her family.

Oral Surgery Team

We believe in a team based approach to patient care

We keep the general dentist informed on progress

We provide regular reports and updates

We would be honoured to be part of your team as we believe the general dental practitioner holds the key role as the “central manager” for optimal patient care.